
Bruno Chapiron - Photographer in Kamakura - Japan


Curious about who's behind Shonan Focus? Well, let me tell you that I hail from the picturesque region of Provence in the south of France. I first delved into the techniques of large format photography in Washington DC before honing my skills at a prestigious photography school in Paris.

phototographer in Kamakura JapanMy journey in photography began as a photographer's assistant, evolving over the years through numerous travels around the globe, refining my unique perspective behind the lens. I subsequently worked on photographic reports for the French Red Cross and served as the official photographer at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris.

Today, in search of authenticity and nature, I am a photojournalist, documentary maker, and videographer based in Kamakura, a quaint seaside town nestled in the Shonan Bay about 50 kilometers south of Tokyo. The Blog section of this site aims to share and introduce you to the impressions and images captured during my photographic escapades in the Land of the Rising Sun.



Bruno Chapiron
Reporter photographe
Kamakura - Japon





Textes et photographies Bruno Chapiron © / Tous droits réservés - Reproduction interdite
Contact : info@shonanfocus.com


Attention : Toutes les images sont protégées par le Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle. L'utilisation, la reproduction, la diffusion, la modification ou la retransmission de toutes les photographies de ce site sont interdite sans autorisation spécifique et expresse de l'auteur.

All images on this site are protected by Intellectual property rights. Any reproduction, distribution, modification, adaptation, retransmission or publication, even partial, of these images is strictly prohibited without the express written agreement of the author.